While having hair extensions provides clients with confidence and beauty, there are a couple of home care responsibilities that you need to remember. If you want your client to have a good hair extension experience and have them coming back again and again, it is crucial that they know how to properly take care of their hair.
Picture this scenario: You just spent a few hours putting in an amazing set of fusion hair into a client who is new to extensions. She is ecstatic and promises to take very good care of her new set of extensions. In a couple weeks, she travels to a lake and spends the day swimming and relaxing with friends. Throughout the day, she makes sure to run her hands through her hair to prevent it from tangling. Once she gets home, she immediately combs through her hair, showers with the right products and goes immediately to bed afterwards. She then calls you and says her hair doesn’t feel the same and doesn’t understand whats going on.
What happened? Can you spot the mistake?
In order to best prolong the lifespan of your hair extensions, it is crucial to make sure you take the important steps to take proper care during not only the day time, but also when you sleep. Although this client did the right thing throughout the day, because she went to bed with wet hair AND left it down, she is more than likely going to cause damage to her hair. Repeat this process a few nights and you have a recipe for matted hair.
The proper thing to do after the day at the lake would have been to either allow the hair to air dry or blow dry it. After this, putting the hair in a light braid or a low ponytail is ideal to allow the bonds to relax and the hair to get a rest after the day. Don’t forget to repeat this to your clients and make sure they know the steps they need to take in order to best take care of their hair at all times! We also have a home care guide that is available for your use when necessary.
If you have a tip you’d like to share with the Di Biase community or have any other questions about Di Biase extensions, please send it in to media@dibiasehairusa.com or call us at (248) 489-8900.
Featured image: Mekayla Eppers, Mrs. America 2018