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Fifty Shades of Brown Hair Extensions!

Need some inspiration for brown hair looks? Looking to change your hair up for the upcoming Spring months? It’s easy to achieve virtually unlimited looks with Di Biase hair! From filling in a patch in your hair, adding fullness and volume to a short cut, adding low lights, the options are limitless.

Di Biase offers a variety of brown tones that can be added to almost any type of hair your client has. Check out all of the looks below for fresh inspo!


All hair below is done using Di Biase extensions.


Colors of the world... spice up your life! Before and After by Kristin Edens at Lisa Marie's salon in Waterford, MI. #redhairdontcare #spicy #beforeandafter #stylistlife #lisamaries #behindthechair

Spotlight on this fabulous before and after transformation by Suzan from Salon Michelle! #beforeandafter #behindthechair #hairbysueee

Stylist spotlight on these wavy brunette extensions done by @theblondeorchidsalon in Palmetto, FL. Tag #DiBiaseHairUSA to be featured next week! #dibiaseextensions #stylistspotlight #salonhair #extensionhair #dibiasehairusa #hairenvy
Who says you can't have it all?! Length, shine and vibrant color is all possible with Di Biase hair extensions! Look by Nina at @salonbluhair. #salonblu #transformations #lovewhatyoudoThat moment you create something magical using tape-in extensions 😍 Stylist Spotlight on this #regram by @sierrasstyle at Blue Bird Salon. #bluebirdsalon #SLOsalon #hairextensions #extensionlook #lovewhatyoudo #hairgoals
@stevijadehair at @yourhairsalon showing us that extensions aren't all about length - they can be added for thickness and fullness as well! #transformations #dibiasehair #dibiaseextensions #longhair #brunette #stylistspotlight